Some examples of our most popular Reports (click images to enlarge)
How much do you earn ‘per hour’ for each of your clients?
Are you making money on your Fully Managed clients?

Fully Managed Profitability
When taking ALL costs into account,
which Fully Managed clients ARE you making money on? (and not)
Which engineer is driving the most profit for you?

Which engineers are you making money on?
What is the ROI for each engineer?
How much do they make for you for each hour they work for a client? (and for ALL hours they work?)
If profit was down in a given month, which client caused the shortfall?
Looking at ALL your clients, are you ‘too reliant’ on one or two of the largest ones? How much of your engineering time is spent on internal projects and other non-client tasks?
Want to see more? Here’s some of our FAVORITE REPORTS…
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