for ConnectWise

MSP (Managed Service Provider)

You have 10 lines of business to manage

Being a MSP (Managed Service Provider) is a daunting task, both technically and managerially.  Not only do you have an entire staff to manage, but you have 10 “Lines of Business” to manage, all with differing critical success factors:

  1. Total MSP Organization
  2. Fully Managed
  3. Recurring Block contracts
  4. Recurring Product-only contracts (no time included)
  5. Hourly Time-and-Materials
  6. Fixed Fee Time-and-Materials
  7. Hourly Projects
  8. Fixed-Fee Projects
  9. One-Time Block Time
  10. Product Sales

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to see ALL those Lines of Business on one screen so you can evaluate them on EHR (Effective Hourly Rate), Profitability, and any/all of over 30 other metrics?  We think so too.  That’s why we create solutions like this… (click the image to enlarge)

Drill down to invoice line item and time entry detail by clicking the hyperlinks.  Interested?  Contact us today for a personalized one-hour web demo of our over 200 reports, dashboards and smartphone reports for ConnectWise.

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