Some of our favorite reports
- Key Metrics ‘One-Click’ report series – Profitability, EHR and ROI with one click.
- Profitability by Client – Stack rank clients by profitability, then ‘go deeper’ with in-depth analysis.
- Profit by Client by Month – Take a ‘long view’ of client profitability.
- Engineer ROI – Which of your engineers is most valuable to your success?
Engineering and Operations Management
- Hours Utilized/Realized/Non-Utilized and PTO – Where is the time going? Is it driving incremental revenue?
- Operations KPIs by Engineer – How well are your engineers managing their tickets, schedule, time reporting, configurations, and more.
- SLA Summary (Customer Facing) – Show the customer how responsive you are.
- Project Workplan Recap (Customer Facing) – Show the customer EXACTLY where you are in their project, what you have done, and when it should be completed (and at what estimated cost).
- Project Resource Planning – Which projects have ‘fallen through the cracks’ and are not getting any attention? Which projects are your project engineers spending time on?
- Project Hours and Revenue Chart – For all your current projects, see how your current progress (hours and dollars) compare to what you ‘expected’, including if you are ‘going over’ the number of hours.
Still hungry to see MORE reports? Here’s our REPORT CATALOG...
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