Shows a list of the reports in the Executive Briefing Service. Click the “screenshot” link to see an example of the report.
Report Catalog
Report | Menu | Description | |
~Database Size and Number of Records | Data Check | Shows the number of records in each ConnectWise table, as well as the total storage size consumed by that table. | Screenshot |
Accounts Receivable Aging Report | Finance Management | Shows the age of currently outstanding invoices by company, breaking them down into age categories: 0-30 days, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, 121-180, 6-9 months, 9-12 months, and more than 12 months. Answers the question: 'How are we doing overall in collecting monies due to us? Which companies are we having problems with on collections?' | Screenshot |
Activities from Marketing Campaigns | Planning and Analysis|Marketing Campaigns | For the Marketing Campaigns that you select, this report shows all the resulting activities by type of activity(s) that you choose. Drill-down allows you to see each individual activity. Addresses the question: 'Did we follow-up on our Marketing Campaigns?' | Screenshot |
Activities this Week and Past Due by Rep | Sales Management | Shows activities (that you select) for each sales rep for this week, and (optionally) also shows any 'past due' activities for each rep. Answers the question: 'What are my reps planning to do? What have they done so far? What are they behind on?' | Screenshot |
Activity Tracker | Sales Management | Shows activity (by 'count' or by ConnectWise 'points') for each type of activity and each member that you select over the timeframe of your choosing. Drill-down is available to show details of the activities. If your selected timeframe is more than a single month, you can also choose to have each activity broken out for each month as well. | Screenshot |
Aged WIP by Bus Unit and Board | Planning and Analysis|Time | Shows work-in-progress (WIP, which is time that will be billed in the future) broken down by time elapsed since the work was done. Categories are less than 31 days, 31-60 days and over 90 days. Overall total appears at the top, and a company-by-company breakdown is included, showing details on projects, service boards, locations and business units. | Screenshot |
Agreement Addition Revenue by Product by Month | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Groups line items on your Agreement Invoices to show sales revenue, profit (Contribution Margin), and number of companies you are selling each item to. Drill-down to detailed list of each company being sold to. Also allows you to show items from only Manufacturer(s) you select. Answers the question: 'What are we selling on our Agreements (MRR)? How much profit are we making on those sales? How many companies are we selling those items to? For a given Manufacturer, how much are we selling and how profitable is that for us?' | Screenshot |
Agreement Additions | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Shows entries added to agreements via the 'Additions' tab on each agreement. Flexible 'filter' option allows you to limit the information you see based on the values of any field. | Screenshot |
Agreement and Project Time Balances | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Shows available balance of hours or dollars for agreements of the type you select. Number of tickets and time entries for the time period you designate are shown, along with drill-down to ticket and time-entry details. | Screenshot |
Agreement Exclusions | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Shows exclusions (work roles and work types) for each agreement for each company. | Screenshot |
Agreement Exclusions Summary | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | It is always a good idea to keep things simple, especially when it comes to Work Roles and Work Types. So you'd like to reduce the number of Work Roles and Work Types you are using, but you are not sure if you NEED each of them because they may be 'excluded' from some agreements (which means that you CHARGE the customer additional fees if this role or type if posted against that agreement). This report gives you a summary of all the Work Roles and Work Types in your ConnectWise configuration, show you how many agreements each has been 'excluded' from, and (by default) shows you the number of hours and time entries that this role or type has been 'excluded' from an agreement over the last 24 months (or any timeframe you choose). Finally, it shows you the TOTAL number of time entries and hours that this role or type has been used in the last 24 months (or any timeframe you choose), so you can see if this role or type is 'in use'. Answers the question: 'Which Work Role and Work Types am I using now? How much are they used on current Agreements? If I eliminated some of them, what's the impact on my 'time-and-material' revenue that these Work Role or Work Types generated as 'exclusions' to current Agreements?' | Screenshot |
Agreement Revenue Over Time | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Shows revenue from agreements for each client for each month in the time period to you select. Drill-down is available to the invoice line-item and time entry detail level. | Screenshot |
Agreement Time by Client and Engineer | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Shows time spent by each engineer for each customer in the timeframe you select. You can filter on agreement type, and drill down to details on the agreement and the time entries. Answers the question: 'How much time is each engineer spending on Agreements for all clients? How much time are we spending in total in Agreement time for each client? How is each engineer spreading their time across all clients? Are engineers spending too much time with their 'favorite' clients? | Screenshot |
Agreement Type Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make for each type of Agreement, taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. Answers the question: 'Taking ALL costs into account (including labor), where are we making money on our monthly Agreements (MRR)?' | Screenshot |
Agreement Types | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Shows details for each Agreement Type that you have defined. | Screenshot |
Agreement Types Tickets Time and EHR | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Shows the number of tickets, hours spent and invoice amount for each agreement type over the timeframe of your choosing. Uses the invoice amount and the hours to calculate 'effective hourly rate' (based on invoice amount divided by hours) for each agreement type. | Screenshot |
Agreements | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Shows details for each Agreement for each company, including drill-down to Agreement Additions detail. | Screenshot |
Agreements (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Shows agreements that started in the time frame you select. Provides drill-downs into 'child agreements' and revenue on the Additions to the agreement. | Screenshot |
Analysis Workbench CLIENTS | Analysis Workbench | See the contribution that each client made to your success over any time period you select. Shows Revenue, Contribution Margin (Rev - 3rd party costs) and Net of W2 (Rev - 3rd party costs - internal labor cost) for each client as well as total hours (billable and non-billable) for each client. | Screenshot |
Analysis Workbench MONTHS | Analysis Workbench | See financial results (Revenue, Contribution Margin and Net of W2) by month as well as Total Client Hours, Total BILLABLE Client hours and internal hours. Also includes a detailed table of the results with drill-down to invoice and time-entry level detail. | Screenshot |
Analysis Workbench NET of W2 per Hr per Client | Analysis Workbench | Plots 'what you make per hour' (i.e. 'Net of W2') for each client while also showing the number of hours that you provided to that client. Detailed info is available by 'hovering' over each data point on the graph, as well as in the detailed table that follows the graph. | Screenshot |
Anticipated Project and Ticket Revenue (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Revenue | Compares the Estimated Revenue for both Projects and Tickets to the actual revenue (billed and unbilled) to determine the 'Anticipated Remaining Revenue' expected from this project or ticket. Answers the question: 'Compared to our estimates, how much ADDITIONAL revenue should we expect from this Project or Ticket? If we have EXCEEDED our estimates, how much are we over?' | Screenshot |
Anticipated Ticket Revenue (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows the remaining revenue anticipated for open tickets. Forecast revenue is derived from associated Opportunities. If a single Opportunity has more than one open ticket, you will see the anticipated revenue duplicated for each ticket. The thought is that the completion of a ticket related to an opportunity 'frees up' the implementation process so that the revenue expected from the Opportunity can be realized. | Screenshot |
Attention to Fully Managed 3 Months | Planning and Analysis|Effective Hourly Rates | Retaining Fully Managed clients demands that you spend an appropriate amount of time for them each month, but what amount is appropriate? Spend too LITTLE time and the client will defect for lack of attention. Spend too MUCH time and you will lose money on that client due to the cost of labor. This screen allows you to determine the RIGHT amount of time to spend each month based on a Target Effective Hourly Rate (EHR) that you set. This is how much you will be compensated (on average) for each hour worked for this client. Applying that same Target EHR to all your Fully Managed clients gives you a compass to treat them all equally and fairly, based on the monthly contract amount they pay you. We show you the monthly payment amount from each client, then the Gross Margin (typically we call this Contribution Margin, which is Revenue less 3rd party expenses), and the number of hours that you spend on that client each month. Your effective EHR is the gross margin amount divided by the number of hours you spent. We then show you graphically how you are doing; Spending too LITTLE time with the client that month? The thermometer graph is red and pointing to the left. Spend too MUCH time with the client that month? The thermometer graph is red, but this time it points to the RIGHT. Spend JUST RIGHT amount of time this month? The graph shows a small green bar, just near the Goldilocks target. Getting CLOSE to the right number of hours, but not quite there yet? The graph will show yellow (pointing left if too FEW hours, pointing right if there are too MANY hours). The report allows you to pick what you want to see on the screen, including detail figures or the graphs. Timeframes are for the past 30 days, current month, current month pro-rated, and the prior 3 months. | Screenshot |
Audit Report | Planning and Analysis|Audit | This screen examines the ConnectWise 'audit' table and lets you see the audit trail of changes made in the time frame you designate based on type of record as well as by ending 'keywords' which match a portion of the 'Updated' column (designated WHAT was changed). | Screenshot |
Average Daily Billable Hours by Month | Planning and Analysis|Billable Hours | See how many hours (on average) are billable vs. non-billable each day, then compare across multiple months for any timeframe you select. Answers the question: 'Are we consistent in how many hours we bill each day across the entire year? Or do vacations, holidays and other items affect how 'busy' we are? Is our work 'seasonal', or consistent throughout the year? What is our 'busy season' (where we might need additional staffing) based on billable time per day?' | Screenshot |
Billable Hours | Planning and Analysis|Billable Hours | Comprehensive look at where your engineers are spending their time. Addresses issues like: 'Are you REPORTING your time?' 'How much of your time is spent on internal items versus customer work?' 'How much time are you spending on time-and-materials vs. projects vs. agreements vs. internal work?' | Screenshot |
Billable Hours by Month by Engineer | Planning and Analysis|Billable Hours | Shows billable hours by engineer by month in both a chart as well as table format. | Screenshot |
Billable Hours CHART | Planning and Analysis|Billable Hours | Chart showing total and individual engineer performance as a percent of goal on billable time (external and total billable, which includes internal billable time) as well as percent of hours required that have been reported. This chart is also available at the bottom of the 'Billable Hours' report as well. | Screenshot |
Block Time Balances | Planning and Analysis|Block Time | Shows the amount 'remaining' on Block Time contracts for each client. Answers the question: 'How big is our 'liability' in revenue to provide block time services that have already been paid for (and therefore will NOT generate additional revenue)?' | Screenshot |
Block Time Used | Planning and Analysis|Block Time | Shows a running balance of Block Time Used on a month-by-month and (for the most recent month) day-by-day breakdown. Can be e-mailed automatically to the client on any timeframe you select to allow the client to see how they are using their block time contract. | Screenshot |
Boards | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows details of the Service Boards that you have defined. | Screenshot |
Bookings (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Bookings | Looks at the cost and profit for products that you are ordering related to an Opportunity (products on a Sales Order, Project or Service Ticket) and compares that to the 'forecast' revenue and profit on the Opportunity. Useful to determine if the Opportunity will actually be as profitable as the sales rep projected. | Screenshot |
Bookings Service Queue By Month | Planning and Analysis|Bookings | Provides a projection of the quantity and skill-level for engineers that you will need in the future on a month-by-month basis. (Show both quantity of hours required as well as the associated estimated revenue). Answers the question: 'How many engineers do I need for each of the coming months based on our current sales pipeline? What expertise level is required? What is the 'mix' of skills required? Do I need to add additional engineering talent? If so, what type?' | Screenshot |
Bookings Summary | Planning and Analysis|Bookings | Shows Sales Opportunities summarized in various groupings: Opportunities closed or expected to close by month, by rep, by opportunity type, or via a detailed listing of opportunities. Allows you to see Opportunities in a flexible way so that you can answer questions like: 'What are we expecting to sell each month for the rest of this year? Are all my reps 'pulling their weight' as represented by their expected future sales? What 'type' of opportunities are we expecting to sell?' | Screenshot |
Business Unit Financial Results | Planning and Analysis|Business Units | Shows a concise summary of financial performance by Business Unit, and allows drill-down to see underlying details. Answers the question: 'How much did we sell in each of our business units? Taking all costs into account (including labor), which business unit was most profitable? How many hours did we spend on work for each business unit? What were the labor costs (i.e. 'W-2') for each business unit? What was the 'Effective Hourly Rate' (i.e. Net of W2 per hour) for each business unit?' | Screenshot |
Categories and SubCategories | Planning and Analysis|Products | Shows the Categories and SubCategories you have defined for your Products, including drill-down to details at the SubCategory and Product levels. | Screenshot |
Changes Month to Month (Revenue Clients) | Briefing Book | Shows changes from one month to the next in revenue (including recurring vs. non-recurring) as well as the number of clients each month (total, recurring and non-recurring). Included under Sales Management as well Briefing Book menus. Answers the question: 'Did we ADD or LOSE revenue each month versus the prior month? Did we ADD or LOSE a client each month (versus the prior month)?' | Screenshot |
Changes Month to Month SALES (Revenue Clients) | Sales Management | Shows changes from one month to the next in revenue (including recurring vs. non-recurring) as well as the number of clients each month (total, recurring and non-recurring). Included under Sales Management as well Briefing Book menus. Answers the question: 'Did we ADD or LOSE revenue each month versus the prior month? Did we ADD or LOSE a client each month (versus the prior month)?' | Screenshot |
Client Business Review | Planning and Analysis|Client Business Reviews | Client-facing report which can be used in the Client Business Review showing tickets and related time-entry details for tickets for this client in the specified timeframe. Also shows Configurations for this client. Saves time gathering ticket and configuration details for your client CBR meeting. | Screenshot |
Client Tickets and Time by Service Board | Planning and Analysis|Clients | Shows number of tickets (both new and pre-existing) and time worked on those tickets for each client on each service board. Provides drill-down to ticket and time entry details. Answers the question: 'How many tickets and how much time are we spending for each client? How is that time allocated? (i.e. projects vs preventative vs break-fix)' | Screenshot |
Client Tickets by Service Type | Planning and Analysis|Clients | Shows number of tickets (both new and pre-existing) and time worked on those tickets for each client by Service Type (and SubType and SubType Item) over the time period selected. Provides drill-down to ticket and time entry details. Answers the question: 'What types of issues are we working on for each client? Do we have a 'systemic' problem across several clients? What type of expertise do I need to have on my engineering team based on the type of issues that we are dealing with?' | Screenshot |
Clients Invoiced with No Agreement Invoices | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Shows clients that have invoices in the selected time period (i.e. clients you ARE doing business with) but have no 'Agreement' invoices in that timeframe (i.e. clients that you might want to approach to move them to an MRR agreement). | Screenshot |
Closed Tickets Billed Separately | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows tickets (closed during the timeframe you specify) that were set to 'bill separately' from normal Agreement or Project invoices. | Screenshot |
Closed Tickets with Products Attached | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows tickets that have been closed during the timeframe you specify that have products attached to those tickets. | Screenshot |
Commission Report | Sales Management | Extremely flexible report which allows you to define your sales rep compensation plan along a wide variety of variables, then calculate and display monthly commission amounts for each rep for the entire year. Payouts can be based on revenue, contribution margin (revenue less 3rd party costs), Net of W2 (revenue less 3rd party costs less internal cost of labor). You can pay different percentages by the type of business (fully managed, time and materials, fixed fee, etc.). Payouts can be designated to first have to achieve a certain dollar amount for each type of payout. Screen allows you to select to show ONLY the columns pertinent to your pay plan. Concise summary of the pay plan is available to be displayed just above the commission report table. | Screenshot |
Companies | Planning and Analysis|Clients | Shows details for Companies. Filters allow you to limit based on Company Type, Company Status, or the Market for each Company. | Screenshot |
Company (including User Defined Fields) (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Clients | Displays all companies where you have made entries on the 'user-defined fields' for that company, showing values you have entered in the user-defined fields (and labelling them based on what you have named your user-defined fields in ConnectWise). | Screenshot |
Company Status | Planning and Analysis|Clients | Shows Company Statuses that you have defined, as well as number of companies in each category. Drill-down to see companies in a category in a single click. | Screenshot |
Company Teams | Planning and Analysis|Teams | Shows personnel assigned to the team for each company. Allows filter by engineer as well as team role. | Screenshot |
Company Teams (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Teams | Shows the team members assigned to each company. | Screenshot |
Company Type | Planning and Analysis|Clients | Shows Company Types that you have defined, as well as number of companies in each category. Drill-down to see companies defined in each Type in a single click. | Screenshot |
Company Type Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make for each Company Type, taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. | Screenshot |
Configurations | Planning and Analysis|Configurations | Shows Configurations, filtering on the Configuration Type as well as the Survey for each Configuration. Drill-down shows the detailed entries for each Configuration | Screenshot |
Configurations Updated by Engineer by Day | Planning and Analysis|Configurations | Shows configuration records that were updated by each engineer each day of the selected time period. | Screenshot |
ConnectWise mapping to your Financials | Planning and Analysis|Accounting | See how you have set up ConnectWise to transfer transactions to your financial system, all on a single screen. | Screenshot |
Contacts (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Clients | Shows list of contacts for each company, including the ability to easily filter the list to just 'Primary Contact' for each company | Screenshot |
Counts by Agreement Type Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Counts | Shows number of clients in each Agreement Type category for each time period you select (month/quarter/year). Also shows related profit, hours and effective hourly rate. | Screenshot |
Counts by Client Tenure Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Counts | Shows number of clients categorized by how many years they have been a client for each time period you select (month/quarter/year). Also shows related profit, hours and effective hourly rate. | Screenshot |
Counts by Client Year Started Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Counts | Breaks down your list of client based on the year they began doing business with you, then tracks their results over the time period you choose (month/quarter/year). Answers the question: How did the class of 2012 do? | Screenshot |
Counts by Company Type Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Counts | You categorize your client by Company Type. This report shows you how each Company Type performed over the timeframe you select (month/quarter/year). | Screenshot |
Counts by Line of Business Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Counts | How many companies are you doing business with in each of your Lines of Business? What results are you seeing from each Line of Business? | Screenshot |
Counts by Location Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Counts | You have multiple locations. How many clients are you servicing at each location? What are the results, broken down by location over the timeframe you select? (month/quarter/year). | Screenshot |
Counts by Market Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Counts | Your clients are in a variety of different types of business which you have categorized by Market. How many clients do you have in each type of Market? What results do you see from each Market? What are the best (and worst) performing Markets? | Screenshot |
Counts by Product vs Service Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Counts | Breaks out your business into PRODUCT versus SERVICE, showing the number of clients in each along with related results for each category over the month/quarter/year of the timeframe you select. | Screenshot |
Counts by Recurring vs One-Time Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Counts | Breaks your business into RECURRING (MRR) versus ONE-TIME, then shows you the number of clients and their related results for each category for the month/quarter/year of the timeframe that you select. | Screenshot |
Counts by Rep Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Counts | How many clients is each sales rep doing business with? What results are you seeing for their clients? Breaks out the count and the results by month/quarter/year over the time period you select. | Screenshot |
Cumulative Gross Margin by Client by Month | Planning and Analysis|Clients | How much have you made for each client in total over the selected time period (taking into account revenue, 3rd party costs and the cost of internal labor). | Screenshot |
Customer Project Invoices (Customer Facing) | Planning and Analysis|Projects | A detail of invoices and line-item detail for a project (or projects) for a given customer. This report is appropriate to share directly with the client, and can be scheduled to be automatically e-mailed to the client on whatever schedule you choose. | Screenshot |
Daily CEO Billboard (SmartPhone) | CxO | Report designed to be e-mailed to the senior executive every morning which shows financial results to-date including 'projected close' for the month, hours entered by each engineer and scheduled for the next 7 days, EHR for all Fully Managed clients to-date, Top 10 Open Invoices, Past Due invoices, Sales Forecast for this month, and 'unbilled' amount for each client. Formatted to fit on a smartphone screen. | Screenshot |
Daily CEO Billboard (Tablet) | CxO | Report designed to be e-mailed to the senior executive every morning which shows financial results to-date including 'projected close' for the month, hours entered by each engineer and scheduled for the next 7 days, EHR for all Fully Managed clients to-date, Top 10 Open Invoices, Past Due invoices, Sales Forecast for this month, and 'unbilled' amount for each client. Formatted to fit on an iPad screen. | Screenshot |
Daily Dispatch Billboard (SmartPhone) | Dispatch | Report designed to be e-mailed to the Dispatcher every morning which showing hours entered, hours billable and hours scheduled for each engineer. Also shows a graph of EHR for Fully Managed clients compared to the 'target EHR' that you set for your Fully Managed practice. Formatted to fit a SmartPhone screen. | Screenshot |
Daily Dispatch Billboard (Tablet) | Dispatch | Report designed to be e-mailed to the Dispatcher every morning which showing hours entered, hours billable and hours scheduled for each engineer. Also shows a graph of EHR for Fully Managed clients compared to the 'target EHR' that you set for your Fully Managed practice. Formatted to fit an iPad screen. | Screenshot |
Daily Engineering Billboard (SmartPhone) | Engineering Management | Report designed to be e-mailed to Engineering management every morning which showing hours entered, hours billable and hours scheduled for each engineer. Also shows a graph of EHR for Fully Managed clients compared to the 'target EHR' that you set for your Fully Managed practice. Thirdly, it shows the 'unbilled time' for each client (i.e. how much they are going to have to pay in the near future for the work we are doing now) so that expectations can be set with the client, or the number of hours spent on that particular client this month can be limited. Formatted to fit a SmartPhone screen. | Screenshot |
Daily Engineering Billboard (Tablet) | Engineering Management | Report designed to be e-mailed to Engineering management every morning which showing hours entered, hours billable and hours scheduled for each engineer. Also shows a graph of EHR for Fully Managed clients compared to the 'target EHR' that you set for your Fully Managed practice. Thirdly, it shows the 'unbilled time' for each client (i.e. how much they are going to have to pay in the near future for the work we are doing now) so that expectations can be set with the client, or the number of hours spent on that particular client this month can be limited. Formatted to fit an iPad screen. | Screenshot |
Daily Finance Billboard (SmartPhone) | Finance Management | Report designed to be e-mailed to the senior Finance executive every morning which shows financial results to-date including 'projected close' for the month, Top 10 Open Invoices, Past Due invoices, and 'unbilled' amount for each client. Formatted to fit on a smartphone screen. | Screenshot |
Daily Finance Billboard (Tablet) | Finance Management | Report designed to be e-mailed to the senior Finance executive every morning which shows financial results to-date including 'projected close' for the month, Top 10 Open Invoices, Past Due invoices, and 'unbilled' amount for each client. Formatted to fit on an iPad screen. | Screenshot |
Daily Sales Billboard (SmartPhone) | Sales Management | Report designed to be e-mailed to the senior Sales executive every morning which shows sales forecasted to close in the currrent month, Top 10 Open Invoices, Past Due invoices, and 'unbilled' amount for each client. Formatted to fit on a SmartPhone screen. | Screenshot |
Daily Sales Billboard (Tablet) | Sales Management | Report designed to be e-mailed to the senior Sales executive every morning which shows sales forecasted to close in the currrent month, Top 10 Open Invoices, Past Due invoices, and 'unbilled' amount for each client. Formatted to fit on an iPad screen. | Screenshot |
DailyXRay CxO | CxO | See all facets of your organization on a single screen, including amounts already invoiced, open invoices, and work-in-progress. Calculates a projected ''month-end' finish based on current velocity and the amount of time left to the end of the month. Also shows past-due invoices, sales forecast to close this month, engineering hours as of the current time and the amount of hours scheduled by week for the remainder of the month. | Screenshot |
DailyXRay Dispatch | Dispatch | Designed for your Dispatcher, this screen shows time scheduled, open and closed for each week with drill-downs to each engineer and ultimately to the time entry detail level. | Screenshot |
DailyXRay Engineering | Engineering Management | Summary of hours spent by each engineer by line-of-business for use by engineering management. Includes drill-down to time-entry level detail. | Screenshot |
DailyXRay Finance | Finance Management | CFO-level summary of Open Invoices, Work-in-Progress and Past-Due Invoices. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item level detail. | Screenshot |
DailyXRay Sales | Sales Management | Sales Executive Management report showing this month's forecasted sales by pipeline stage, including drill-down to the individual opportunity and forecast level. Also shows invoices already sent this month, open invoices and past due invoices to allow visibility to work with client to address past or current invoices during the sales process. Items that need attention (open deals that have to 'next action date', or deals that are in the wrong pipeline stage) are highlighted in red. | Screenshot |
Do Not Bill No Charge or Written Off Items on Tickets | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Wondering what has been 'written off' of tickets? This report shows both time entries and products that have been 'written off' of tickets on tickets that are closed during the timeframe you specify. | Screenshot |
Downpayments | Planning and Analysis|Invoices and Billing | What downpayments have you recevied from clients during the selected timeframe? | Screenshot |
EHR by Agreement on Select Invoice Line Items | Planning and Analysis|Effective Hourly Rates (EHR) | If you focus on JUST your Fully Managed invoice line items (and ignore any bundling of 3rd party products or services), how much are you makine 'per hour' on JUST the Fully Managed line items? This allows you to isolate your EHR on Fully Managed without inflating the EHR with profits from bundled 3rd party items. | Screenshot |
EHR by Agreement Type Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Effective Hourly Rate | Shows how much you make per hour worked (i.e. Effective Hourly Rate which we calculate as 'Net of W2 per Hour') from each Agreement Type for each month/quarter/year in the time period you select. This takes into account not only the cost of 3rd party products you sold to each client, but also the cost of labor by your internal staff to service each client. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows EHR for each invoice in the drill-down process. | Screenshot |
EHR by Client by Month Qtr Year | Key Metrics|Effective Hourly Rates (EHR) | Shows Effective Hourly Rate (EHR) from each client for each month/quarter/year in the time period you select. This takes into account not only the cost of 3rd party products you sold to each client, but also the cost of labor by your internal staff to service each client. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows EHR for each invoice in the drill-down process. | Screenshot |
EHR by Client Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Effective Hourly Rate | Shows how much you make per hour worked (i.e. Effective Hourly Rate which we calculate as 'Net of W2 per Hour') from each Client for each month/quarter/year in the time period you select. This takes into account not only the cost of 3rd party products you sold to each client, but also the cost of labor by your internal staff to service each client. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows EHR for each invoice in the drill-down process. | Screenshot |
EHR by Client Tenure Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Effective Hourly Rate | As you retain clients for multiple years, do you earn MORE 'per hour' from them over time? As your engineering team improved the manageability of the client's infrastructure, do you see the positive results to your bottom line? | Screenshot |
EHR by Client Year Started Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Effective Hourly Rate | Looking back at clients that started doing business with you each year in the past, how much are you earning 'per hour worked' for those clients over the last 3 years? (or any timeframe you select) Were you 'more selective' in your new clients in some years? Or were you more desperate, and now you see the consequences of 'bad customers' in your Effective Hourly Rate (EHR)? | Screenshot |
EHR by Company Type Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Effective Hourly Rate | You categorize companies by 'Company Type' so you can compare the results of 'managed' clients to 'unmanaged' clients (for example). So when you go back and look at the results, ARE you making more 'per hour' on clients that are 'managed'? How are your results for other types of companies you have categorized? | Screenshot |
EHR by Line of Business Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Effective Hourly Rate | A fundamental assumption of the MSP business model is that we can reduce support costs by better managing client environments over time, and that results in higher profits for the MSP. So is that TRUE in your MSP Practice? This report shows you how much you make 'per hour' in each Line of Business, broken down by month/quarter/year over any timeframe you choose. | Screenshot |
EHR by Location Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Effective Hourly Rate | So your MSP Practice has grown, and now you've added a new location. Great! Is it? How is that new location performing versus your main office? How much are you earning 'per hour' for each location? How is that 'trending' over time? | Screenshot |
EHR by Market Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Effective Hourly Rate | Are you focused on the right Market? Taking all factors into account, which Markets are most profitable for you on a 'per hour' basis? Which are least? What Markets are generating great hourly returns (so perhaps you should pursue MORE clients in that Market) and which are falling short in their hourly ROI (and perhaps you should de-emphasize those markets)? | Screenshot |
EHR by Recurring vs One-Time Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Effective Hourly Rate | Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is the Holy Grail of the MSP Industry. But IS IT truly the Nirvanna that we think it is? How much are YOU earning 'per hour' in your MSP Practice for recurring revenue versus one-time revenue? What is YOUR trend over time? Are you getting better at profitable MRR? | Screenshot |
EHR by Rep Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Effective Hourly Rate | You manage your Sales Team to drive results. Usually that starts with 'revenue'. But the real key is to drive 'profitable' clients and deals. So how are each of your reps doing on a 'per hour' profitability basis, taking into account not only COGS for products you sell but also taking your internal engineering labor costs into acount as well? What's the trend for each rep over time? | Screenshot |
EHR Sieve by Agreement | Planning and Analysis|Effective Hourly Rates (EHR) | Lets you filter clients with agreements where the effective hourly rate (EHR) meets a criteria you specify. If EHR is too HIGH, you are not spending enough time with the client. If it is too LOW, you are spending TOO much time with the client (or using resources that are too expensive). So for example, you can request the report show you client agreements where the EHR exceeds $500 per hour, or is less than $100 per hour. This report can be scheduled to run on a periodic basis, allowing you to 'catch' agreements that may need attention. | Screenshot |
Employee Expense Reconciliation | Finance Management | Shows expense reimbursements that are still due to employees, along with the invoice that billed the client for that expense (if applicable). | Screenshot |
Engineer Effective Hourly Rate (EHR) | Key Metrics|Effective Hourly Rates (EHR) | Shows revenue generated by the work that each engineer performed over the designated time period. Hourly work is credited at the hourly rate charged to the client. Fixed Fee work (Fully Managed and fixed fee projects and tickets) calculate the 'hourly rate' to be used based on the total fee the client paid divided by the TOTAL hours worked by ALL engineers on that item. That 'calculated hourly rate' is then multiplied by the hours that THIS engineer worked to determine the 'revenue credit'. Credit for all areas are then totalled and divided by the number of hours to determine Effective Hourly Rate for this engineer. | Screenshot |
Engineer KPI Summary | Planning and Analysis|KPIs | Shows an engineer-by-engineer breakdown of how effectively they are handling tickets, including response time, re-opened tickets, average hours per ticket and average number of time entries per ticket. Drill-down to ticket and time-entry is available via hyperlinks. | Screenshot |
Engineer Profitability and W-2 Multiple | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows 'net profit' on each engineer by comparing the revenue they generated during the period versus their W-2 cost to you in that same period. Hourly work is credited at the hourly rate charged to the client. Fixed Fee work (Fully Managed and fixed fee projects and tickets) calculate the 'hourly rate' to be used based on the total fee the client paid divided by the TOTAL hours worked by ALL engineers on that item. That 'calculated hourly rate' is then multiplied by the hours that THIS engineer worked to determine the 'revenue credit'. Credit for all areas are then totalled and their W-2 cost is then subtracted to determine the 'net profit' for this engineer. | Screenshot |
Engineer ROI | Key Metrics|Return on Investment (ROI) | Shows revenue generated by the work that each engineer performed over the designated time period. Hourly work is credited at the hourly rate charged to the client. Fixed Fee work (Fully Managed and fixed fee projects and tickets) calculate the 'hourly rate' to be used based on the total fee the client paid divided by the TOTAL hours worked by ALL engineers on that item. That 'calculated hourly rate' is then multiplied by the hours that THIS engineer worked to determine the 'revenue credit'. Credit for all areas are then totalled for each engineer and compared to the W-2 cost for this engineer (over the selected timeframe) to determine a return-on-investment (ROI). | Screenshot |
Favorites and Bookmarks | Favorites and Scheduled Reports | Allows you to manage your 'Favorites' and 'Bookmarks'. You can create a Favorite or Bookmark from any report screen where you see the 'SAVE' or 'FAVORITE' hyperlink. Clicking 'SAVE' will save all your settings that you have defined for the current report and prompt you to provide a 'name' for that Bookmark. You'll see that Bookmark show up as a hyperlink on the main menu screen under the report. (You have to refresh the main menu screen to have new bookmarks appear on the screen). A 'Favorite' is exactly the same as a Bookmark EXCEPT that it appears in the 'Go-To Favorite' menu which appear at the top right of most report screens. You can also use the 'RESTORE' hyperlink on a report screen to display Favorites and Bookmarks you have defined for that report, and can run the report with the saved settings by just clicking on the name of the Favorite or Bookmark. If you have a Favorite or Bookmark that you want to make available to your colleagues who also use the Executive Briefing Service, just change the 'Bookmark Collection' menu (just above REFRESH SAVE FAVORITE hyperlinks) so that it designates 'SHARED' as the Bookmark Collection to use (instead of your username). Saving a Favorite or Bookmark to the SHARED Bookmark Collection makes it available to all users of EBS. (Security rules still apply even for saved Favorites and Bookmarks, so colleagues must still have the 'right' to run the report). | Screenshot |
Financial Results by Client by Month Qtr Year | Briefing Book | Shows financial results like 'Net of W2' (i.e. net profit), Contribution Margin (Rev - 3rd party costs), Revenue and a host of other financial measures for each client for each month in the time period you select. Also allows the display of 'secondary metrics' across many metrics and lines of business (LOB). | Screenshot |
Fixed Fee EHR | Key Metrics|Effective Hourly Rates (EHR) | Shows how much you make for each hour that your engineers work (i.e. Effective Hourly Rate or EHR) on 'fixed fee' contracts, tickets and projects. Takes into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. This report stack ranks clients from most profitable per hour to least profitable per hour. | Screenshot |
Fixed Fee Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make on 'fixed fee' contracts, tickets and projects. Takes into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. This report stack ranks clients from most profitable to least profitable. | Screenshot |
Forecasts by Opportunity | Sales Management | Shows sales forecast for each opportunity. When the Date Closed is set to 'Date Close Expected', it matches the ConnectWise Sales Dashboard for verification purposes. Report also shows monthly recurring revenue (MRR) generate from past opportunities. | Screenshot |
Fully Managed EHR | Key Metrics|Effective Hourly Rates (EHR) | Shows how much you make for each hour that your engineers work (i.e. Effective Hourly Rate or EHR) on 'Fully Managed' contracts. Takes into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. This report stack ranks clients from most profitable per hour to least profitable per hour. Report is filtered for clients where you did more than 10 hours of work. (You can change the filter by clicking on the 'filter' icon in the upper right of the screen.) | Screenshot |
Fully Managed EHR by Client by Month Qtr Year | Key Metrics|Effective Hourly Rates (EHR) | Shows Effective Hourly Rate (EHR) from each client for each month/quarter/year in the time period you select. This takes into account not only the cost of 3rd party products you sold to each client, but also the cost of labor by your internal staff to service each client. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows EHR for each invoice in the drill-down process. | Screenshot |
Fully Managed Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make on 'Fully Managed' contracts. Takes into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. This report stack ranks clients from most profitable to least profitable. | Screenshot |
GL Entries from Invoices | Planning and Analysis|Accounting | Shows accounting transactions related to your invoices generated by ConnectWise which were sent over to your accounting package. The 'Segment1' field shows the account that the transaction was routed to on your Income Statement or Balance Sheet. | Screenshot |
Gross Margin by Client by Mo Qtr Yr Recap | Planning and Analysis|Clients | Shows Gross Margin (i.e. Net of W2) for each client for the current month, prior 3 months and prior 12 months. Takes into account revenue, 3rd party costs and cost of internal labor. | Screenshot |
Gross Margin by Client by Month | Planning and Analysis|Clients | Shows Gross Margin (i.e. Net of W2, so taking into account Revenue, 3rd Party Costs and Internal W2 Costs) from each client for each month in the timeframe specified. | Screenshot |
Hours and Dollars by Month | Planning and Analysis|Billable Hours | Shows summaries for Hours and Revenue Dollars, first as Grand Totals for all engineers, then broken down engineer-by-engineer. Information gathered includes: * Invoiced service revenue by Line of Business (Fully Managed, Project, Time-and-Materials, etc.) * All service revenue (invoiced or WIP) by Line of Business * Total hours this month, including internal/external breakdown * Billable Hours BILLED this month * Billable Hours NOT BILLED this month (i.e. WIP) * Non-Billable hours * Charge Code hours, including 'call-outs' of specific charge codes you select * Summary metrics of multiple billable hour percentages | Screenshot |
Hours and Dollars by Work Role Work Type over Time | Planning and Analysis|Time | See hours and related revenue for each Work Role, Work Type or Work Role/Type combination over any timeframe you select, broken down by month/quarter/year. | Screenshot |
Hours by Engineer by Work Role and Work Type | Planning and Analysis|Time | Shows hours spent on each work role and work type combination for each engineer for each week. Also allows you to combine work types into 'categories' of 'Direct Labor' and 'Overhead' for reporting purposes. Any Work Types NOT included in one of those two categories will be show separately on the report. | Screenshot |
Hours Utilized Realized Non-Utilized and PTO | Planning and Analysis|Billable Hours | Details time spent by each engineer. 'Utilized' time is 'billable' time spent against all types of client situations, including Fully Managed or Fixed-Fee engagements. 'Realized' time is billable time which results in your firm charging ADDITIONAL fees to the client (or moving funds for Block Time from your Balance Sheet to your Income Statement) for the work done. By definition, 'Realized' (i.e. 'new money') work is a subset of 'Utilized' (i.e. billable) work. Report also provides controls in the filter section to allow you to recognize under-budget fixed fee work as 'realized' but over-budget fixed fee work as only 'utilized'. Drill-downs to time-entry details are available via hyperlinks. | Screenshot |
Income Statement from ConnectWise data | Finance Management | Shows where transactions generated in ConnectWise ended up on your financials (Income Statement or Balance Sheet) by account each month over the timeframe you select. Monthly increases and decreases are highlighted in green (increase) and red (decrease). | Screenshot |
Inconsistent Time Entries | Planning and Analysis|Time | Shows time entries that may be inaccurate. First column of the report shows the potential 'problem' with the time entry. For example, time entries that are associated with project or agreement tickets BUT the time entry does NOT include a reference to the project or agreement. Also shows time entries that are coded as BOTH a project AND an agreement (which may cause the agreement to 'cover' the time and cause the project time not to be billed). | Screenshot |
Inventory | Planning and Analysis|Inventory | Shows inventory that you have on-hand, including drill-down to show when that inventory was purchased and when it was sold to customers. | Screenshot |
Invoice Profitability | Planning and Analysis|Invoices and Billing | Shows profitability on invoices in the timeframe you select, breaking out profit detail on 'labor' versus 'product'. Also takes into account 'fully manged' invoices which typically are sent at the first of the month and then have time posted to them througout the month (i.e. AFTER the invoice has been sent to the customer). Allows drill-down to invoice line-item and time entry detail. | Screenshot |
Invoice Wizard (with Ticket Status) | Planning and Analysis|Invoices and Billing | Mirrors the ConnectWise Invoice Wizard, but adds additional ticket information like Ticket Status. | Screenshot |
Invoices (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Invoices and Billing | Shows details for invoices with invoice dates in the selected timeframes. Extremely flexible filtering and selection of columns to display (and in what order) available on the 'analysis grid' (AG) report. | Screenshot |
Is Your Time In (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Time | Shows hours entered by each engineer for the past several days as well as the last week and last month. | Screenshot |
Is Your Time In CHART | Planning and Analysis|Time | Graphical representation of hours entered by each engineer for the past several days as well as the last week and last month. | Screenshot |
KPI by Engineer and Priority | Planning and Analysis|KPIs | Shows KPI metrics by engineer and priority of the tickets. KPIs include number of tickets resolved, closed, average minutes to resolution, resolved in one step, hours reported this period, and average hours per ticket. | Screenshot |
KPI Summary by Day Week Month Qtr | Planning and Analysis|KPIs | Includes a wide variety of KPI measurements to pick from (you select which ones to include or exclude) for engineers over the timeframe you select. Report can summarize the results by day, week, month, quarter or year. Drill-down is available on all KPIs to validate how the totals were calculated. | Screenshot |
Labor Loaded Gross Margin by Agreement | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Shows profit per month by client and agreement, taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor related to time spent servicing those agreements. Drill-down is avaialble to invoice line items and individual time entries. | Screenshot |
Leads by Date and Source | Sales Management | Shows companies marked as ''leads'' in ConnectWise, along with the source of that lead and the date it was imported into ConnectWise. | Screenshot |
Line of Business Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make for each Line of Business, taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. Lines of Business include: Fully Managed, Recurring Block Time, Monthly 3rd Party Agreements, One-Time Block, Hourly Projects, Fixed-Fee Projects, Hourly Time-and-Materials, Fixed-Fee Tickets, and Product sales. | Screenshot |
Lines of Business (Parallax) | Briefing Book | Analyze (both in a graph and in a table format) the contribution of each of your lines-of-business (i.e. fully managed, block time, time and materials, projects, etc.) to your overall success. Also allows drill-down in the table to the invoice line-item level. | Screenshot |
Location Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you made for each location, taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. Report includes results for ALL clients. This total includes ALL lines of business, including product sales. | Screenshot |
Manufacturer Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make for each Manufacturer on sales of hardware, software and 3rd party services. Drill-down shows the companies where you sold products for that Manufacturer. | Screenshot |
Market Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make for each Market, taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. | Screenshot |
Markets | Planning and Analysis|Clients | Shows Markets that you have defined, as well as number of companies in each market. Drill-down to see companies defined in each Market in a single click. | Screenshot |
Members | Planning and Analysis|Members | Shows all your employees in ConnectWise on a single screen with the information that you have entered on the 'Member' screen in ConnectWise. | Screenshot |
MRR Evaluator (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Scorecards | Shows metrics for Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) agreements, including 'All-In Seat Price', 'All-In Seat Cost', and what you make each month 'per seat' after you have paid all costs including 3rd party costs as well as internal labor costs. Finally, shows what you make each month as a percentage of revenue (i.e. the fee you charge the client). | Screenshot |
MSP Scorecard | Planning and Analysis|Scorecards | Shows a wide variety of industry-standard metrics in the areas of Operations, Finance and Sales. Includes the ability to allow you to manually enter or over-ride data in ConnectWise as input to the calculations. | Screenshot |
New Clients by Month | Planning and Analysis|Clients | Shows a breakdown of 'new clients per month' by either the number of new clients or the total dollar amount for new clients each month. 'New clients' are defined as companies that were invoices that month that have never been invoiced by your organization before. | Screenshot |
New Logos and New Revenue by Month CHART | Briefing Book | See how many new Logo's (i.e. new clients) you have added each month by both new invoice revenue as well as number of clients. Data can be over any timeframe you select, and is broken down into recurring and non-recurring revenue categories. | Screenshot |
Non-Recurring Invoices (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Invoices and Billing | Shows 'one-time' invoices for the timeframe you select. | Screenshot |
Non Recurring EHR | Key Metrics|Effective Hourly Rates (EHR) | Shows how much you make for each hour that your engineers work (i.e. Effective Hourly Rate or EHR) on non-recurring lines of business (time-and-material, projects and product sales) taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. This report stack ranks clients from most profitable per hour to least profitable per hour. | Screenshot |
Non Recurring Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make on non-recurring lines of business (time-and-material, projects and product sales) taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. This report stack ranks clients from most profitable to least profitable. | Screenshot |
Open Purchase Orders | Exports | ||
Open Purchase Orders Line Items | Exports | ||
Open Tickets by Priority | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows tickets currently open on the service boards you select, categorized by priority. | Screenshot |
Open Tickets with NO PO Number | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Lists tickets currently open that do not have a PO number. | Screenshot |
Operations KPIs by Engineer | Planning and Analysis|KPIs | Shows a wide variety of KPI metrics for each engineer, including metrics on managing their schedule, client survey feedback, how billable they are, projects, timesheets and configurations. Includes drill-down on each metric to show details. Custom color-coding for each metric is provided. | Screenshot |
Opportunities (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Opportunities | Shows sales opportunities details, including the amount forecast compared to the actual amount of orders placed for this opportunity. Allows dril-downs to show audit of changes in the opportunity, forecast detail, product order details and more. | Screenshot |
Opportunities Actual vs Forecast | Planning and Analysis|Opportunities | Compares the ACTUAL results of an opportunity versus what the sales rep FORECAST for this opportunity. | Screenshot |
Opportunities by Rep | Sales Management | Summary of future opportunities by rep including forecast revenue and gross margin. Also shows the total number of opportunities for each rep, total number of 'touches' (which you define) that the rep has already made on those opportunities, the age of the opportunity and the amount of time that the opportunity has been stuck in the current sales pipeline stage. Finally, shows the total number of opportunities for each rep where there is a 'next activity' scheduled that is 'past due'. | Screenshot |
Opportunities by Rep DETAIL | Sales Management | Shows sales opportunities details, including 'next action' planned and the number of 'touches' the rep has made on this opportunity thus far. (You define what qualifies as a 'touch' based on Activity Type). Opportunities with no 'next activity' planned, or an overdue next activity are highlighted in red. | Screenshot |
Opportunities Lost | Planning and Analysis|Opportunities | Shows Opportunities that have been lost in the selected timeframe, including custom user-field that shows reason the opportunity was lost. | Screenshot |
Opportunities New Won Lost Closed by Day Week Month Qtr Year | Planning and Analysis|Opportunities | How many deals with NEW clients did you find over the last 6 months? What sales revenue did that represent? How many of those did you win? How many did you lose? Is your sales team uncovering a consistent stream of new deals each month? Are they CLOSING a consistent stream? How many are they winning versus losing? What are the revenue implications? | Screenshot |
Opportunities with New Clients | Planning and Analysis|Opportunities | New clients. You GOTTA have 'em. And once you get past the initial introductions and actually have identified an OPPORTUNITY with that new client, you want to make sure that this 'first project' goes off without a hitch. Wouldn't it be nice to see a list of Opportunities that you have with NEW clients (that you have NOT done business with before) so they can get a little extra TLC from you and your team? That's what this report provides. | Screenshot |
Opportunities Won but not Yet Fully Invoiced | Planning and Analysis|Opportunities | So you closed the largest deal in the history of your company. You 'high-fived' til your hands hurt. But now you have to deliver. You have to pay for the 3rd party products for the project, as well as pay for your engineering time, and all of that may happen before you ever invoice the customer. That means that the Cash Flow issue from your 'largest deal ever' may not only lead to joy at winning the deal but also some angst at how to 'finance' the cash flow. And oh yes, your sales rep is ANXIOUS to get paid the commision for the deal, which add fuel to the cash flow fire. So how many opportunities do you have that you have NOT yet fully invoiced? How MANY are there? How MUCH are you 'due'? This report shows you all that and more. Selectively show product, agreement or service items. Show related Sales Orders, Project or Service Tickets. Subtotal by sale rep. Drill-down to details of the opportunity and the invoices. | Screenshot |
Opportunity Pipeline by Manufacturer | Sales Management | Shows Sales Opportunities grouped by Manufacturer for the timeframe you designate. Filter on multiple criteria, including whether to include closed opportunities in the report. Drill-down to opportunity details via a single click. Usefuly when talking to your vendors about MDF and future sales. | Screenshot |
Organizational Scorecard by Day Week Month Qtr Year | Planning and Analysis|Scorecards | Shows a wide variety of metrics across the entire organization broken down into daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly timeframes. Allows you to customize the metrics that you choose to include on the report. Drill-downs to underlying details are available. | Screenshot |
Overtime Calculation | Planning and Analysis|Time | Calculates actual time elapsed for time entries for each engineer to calculate potential overtime. Key to this report is that it eliminates 'overlapping' time entries so that no time is 'double-counted' for overtime calculation purposes. | Screenshot |
Parent Child Agreements (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Agreements | Shows all agreements that are active during the selected timeframe that have 'child' agreements associated with them. Drill-down to the child-agreements is also provided. | Screenshot |
Product Definitions | Planning and Analysis|Products | Shows details for Products you have defined in Connectwise which can be added to invoices. | Screenshot |
Product Profitability by Category | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make for each Category and Subcategory of products. Filter allows you to choose to summarize by Category and Subcategory, or by Category only. Drill-down shows what companies you have sold products to for that Category or Subcategory. | Screenshot |
Product Profitability by Customer | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make on sales of hardware, software and 3rd party services that are NOT bundled with a recurring contract. Results are grouped for each customer. | Screenshot |
Product Profitability by Product | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make on each Product that you sell on a product-by-product basis. Drill-down on each product shows the clients that you have sold that product to. | Screenshot |
Product Revenue and GP | Planning and Analysis|Products | Shows gross profit and revenue for products entered during the selected timeframe. Also shows associated Opportunity revenue and cost, as well as related invoice details if this product has been invoiced. | Screenshot |
Product vs Service Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make on Product sales (hardware, software and 3rd party services) versus Service (internal labor). | Screenshot |
Products | Planning and Analysis|Products | Shows gross profit and revenue for products invoiced or updated during the selected timeframe. | Screenshot |
Products (Parallax) | Briefing Book | Shows financial results (revenue or contribution margin) from products that you have sold each month, broken down into Product Categories (that you defined in ConnectWise). Allows drill-down into sub-categories and down to the invoice line-item level. Data is displayed in both a graph and a table format. | Screenshot |
Products Not Billed | Planning and Analysis|Products | Shows products not yet billed to the client as of the time the report is run. | Screenshot |
Products Not Received | Planning and Analysis|Products | Shows products not yet received as of the time the report is run. | Screenshot |
Products Received by Date | Planning and Analysis|Products | Shows products that HAVE been received over the last 'X' days | Screenshot |
Products Shipped | Planning and Analysis|Products | Shows products that have shipped during the timeframe that you specify. | Screenshot |
Profile of All Clients | Briefing Book | Analyze your portfolio of clients by Revenue, Contribution Margin (Rev - 3rd Party Costs), Hours Spent, Net of W2 (Rev - 3rd Party Costs - Allocate Internal Labor Costs). Also shows how much you make from your 'average' client and additional metrics at a high level. | Screenshot |
Profit by Client by Month Qtr Year | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows profit (Net of W2) from each client for each month/quarter/year in the time period you select. This takes into account not only the cost of 3rd party products you sold to each client, but also the cost of labor by your internal staff to service each client. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows profitability for each invoice in the drill-down process. | Screenshot |
Profit by Client Tenure | Key Metrics|Profitability | For the current timeframe (that you select), how much of your profit is from clients that are 'new' this year? How many that have been on-board 3 years? Profitability includes 3rd party costs as well as internal labor costs. Drill-down to company and invoice-level detail is included via the hyperlinks. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Agreement Type Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | Shows profit (Net of W2) from each Agreement Type for each month/quarter/year in the time period you select. This takes into account not only the cost of 3rd party products you sold to each client, but also the cost of labor by your internal staff to service each client. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows profitability for each invoice in the drill-down process. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Client | Briefing Book | Stack ranks clients by profitability (after paying 3rd parties AND your engineering team). Also provides very flexible report capabilities for LOB analysis and a wide variety of metrics | Screenshot |
Profitability by Client EXPORT | Exports | This screen is based on the 'Profitability by Client' report but is specifically designed to allow you to export the data to Excel for further analysis and processing. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Client Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | Shows profit (Net of W2) from each client for each month/quarter/year in the time period you select. This takes into account not only the cost of 3rd party products you sold to each client, but also the cost of labor by your internal staff to service each client. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows profitability for each invoice in the drill-down process. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Client Tenure Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | Shows profit (Net of W2) from clients for each month/quarter/year based on how many years they have been a client. This takes into account not only the cost of 3rd party products you sold to each client, but also the cost of labor by your internal staff to service each client. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows profitability for each invoice in the drill-down process. Answers the question: For clients that we retain year-after-year, do they become MORE profitable as we continue to improve their environment? | Screenshot |
Profitability by Client Year Started Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | Shows profit (Net of W2) from clients for each month/quarter/year based on the year that they became a client. This takes into account not only the cost of 3rd party products you sold to each client, but also the cost of labor by your internal staff to service each client. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows profitability for each invoice in the drill-down process. Answers the question: Looking at clients that we attracted in any given year, have they become more profitable over time? Did we perhaps attract some clients that are 'not a fit'? Were we able to retain the best clients? | Screenshot |
Profitability by Company Type Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | Shows profit (Net of W2) for each Type of Company for each month/quarter/year in the time period you select. This takes into account not only the cost of 3rd party products you sold to each client, but also the cost of labor by your internal staff to service each client. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows profitability for each invoice in the drill-down process. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Line of Business Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | Shows profit (Net of W2) for each Line of Business (Fully Managed, Time and Materials, Projects, etc.) for each month/quarter/year in the time period you select. This takes into account not only the cost of 3rd party products you sold to each client, but also the cost of labor by your internal staff to service each client. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows profitability for each invoice in the drill-down process. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Location Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | Do you have multiple locations? Did you open a second location recently, and wondering how profitable it is versus your other locations? This report will show you the details, including drill-down the invoice line-items and invoice-by-invoice profitability for each customer at that location. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Manufacturer Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | Shows how much you made for each Manufacturer on sales of hardware, software and 3rd party services that you sold over the last 3 years (or any timeframe you choose, segmented into years, quarters or months) . Drill-down shows what companies you have sold those products to. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Market Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | Which Vertical Markets do you do business in? Which Markets are the most profitable? Which Markets should you look for NEW clients in? Which Markets should you perhaps reduce your clients in? This report will show you the details, including drill-down the invoice line-items and invoice-by-invoice profitability for each market by year/quarter/month. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Product Category Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | Shows how much you make for each Category and Subcategory of products that you sold over the last 3 years (or any timeframe you choose, segmented into years, quarters or months) . Filter allows you to choose to summarize by Category and Subcategory, or by Category only. Drill-down shows what companies you have sold products to for that Category or Subcategory. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Product Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | Shows how much you made on each Product that you sold over the last 3 years (or any timeframe you choose, segmented into years, quarters or months) on a product-by-product basis. Drill-down on each product shows the clients that you have sold that product to. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Product vs Service Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | How much of your business is 'Service' revenue versus 'Product' revenue? How is that mix trending and changing over the last 3 years? This report will show you the details, including drill-down the invoice line-items and invoice-by-invoice profitability. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Recurring vs One-Time Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | As MSPs, we all chase monthly recurring revenue (MRR). So how are YOU doing in that quest? How is that mix trending and changing over the last 3 years? This report will show you the details, including drill-down the invoice line-items and invoice-by-invoice profitability. | Screenshot |
Profitability by Rep Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Profit | Let's face it: Some of your Sales Reps pursue clients that are NOT great clients and are NOT that profitable. Which of your reps may be chasing the wrong type of clients? Is that a long-term trend? Or just happens occasionally? This report will show you profitability for each rep over the last 3 years, including drill-down to each client all the way down to the invoice line-items profitability. | Screenshot |
Project Hours and Revenue CHART | Planning and Analysis|Projects | Shows a summary of all projects open at least part of the timeframe you specify. Graphical representation compares the hours and dollars 'expected' versus the hours and dollars 'already billed' versus hours and dollars 'to be billed' (i.e. WIP). Also includes a detail table of projects below the initial table which shows additional details on the projects. | Screenshot |
Project Hours Remaining by Phase | Planning and Analysis|Projects | Looking across all your projects, how many hours have been budgeted, how many hours have been scheduled, and how many hours are still remaining to be delivered? Summarized by project phase and WBS code. | Screenshot |
Project Invoices Overview | Planning and Analysis|Projects | Shows invoice detail (with drill-down to invoice line-items) along with Phase information for a single project that you select. | Screenshot |
Project Overview | Planning and Analysis|Projects | Shows project listing with drill-down to detail items for projects open during the selected timeframe. Also provides color-coded indication regarding if the project is behind schedule, as well as if the project is being 'actively worked' as expected (by comparing percent of expected time that has elapsed versus the percent of revenue and hours expected that have been expended). | Screenshot |
Project Profitability (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Projects | Shows profitability for projects (in both dollars and percentage terms) for projects that you select based on timeframe, status, project type or even user-defined fields that you have created in ConnectWise. As an Analysis Grid report, also provides extremely flexible formatting (define which columns to show, what order to show them, and their width) as well as flexible selectability (filter the report based on the values of one or more fields in the data). | Screenshot |
Project Recap (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Projects | Shows you an overview of projects open during the timeframe you select. Includes project details plus an indication if you are 'behind' in schedule, revenue or hours on each project. Allows drill-down to project details. | Screenshot |
Project Resource Planning | Planning and Analysis|Projects | Report shows you the resources that are 'scheduled' to work on projects, as well as time 'actually spent' working on projects int the timeframe you select. First section of the report shows an engineer-by-engineer breakdown. Second section shows a project-by-project breakdown. Projects where the total hours spent exceeds the estimated hours for that project are highlighted in red. Drill-down to the individual schedule and time-entry detail is provided. | Screenshot |
Project Revenue by Month CHART | Planning and Analysis|Projects | Lets you compare project revenue over a multiple-year period to see which months of the year have the most (or least) project revenue historically. Valuable to understand the 'seasonality' of your project business. | Screenshot |
Project Service Profitability (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Projects | Shows profitability for the SERVICE component for projects (in both dollars and percentage terms) for projects that you select based on timeframe, status, project type or even user-defined fields that you have created in ConnectWise. As an Analysis Grid report, also provides extremely flexible formatting (define which columns to show, what order to show them, and their width) as well as flexible selectability (filter the report based on the values of one or more fields in the data). | Screenshot |
Project Statuses | Planning and Analysis|Projects | List of project statuses you have defined in ConnectWise. Useful to see which statuses are defined as being 'closed' projects. | Screenshot |
Project Summary (Customer Facing) | Planning and Analysis|Projects | Designed to be a concise recap of a single client project suitable for sharing with your client, including the ability to show your own logo in the upper-left of the report. Shows an overview of the project and summary of the time worked, followed by a detail listing of time entries for this project. Allows you to select what work types are shown on the report, and also allows you to select what information IS (and IS NOT) include on the report. This report (like all EBS reports) can be scheduled to run on an automated, recurring basis and e-mailed to whatever recepients you desire. | Screenshot |
Project Workplan Recap (Customer Facing) | Planning and Analysis|Projects | Designed to include all the relevant info for a given project to review with a client during a weekly project meeting. Includes actual against budget in dollars and hours. Also shows breakdown of hours against each phase so we can see problem/red flag areas. Include travel and expense breakout. | Screenshot |
Projected Business Results by Month | Briefing Book | Shows historical results on a monthly basis, then projects future results based on existing recurring contracts you have in place (taking into account if they expire) PLUS what your sales team has forecasted for each of the future months in the selected time period. | Screenshot |
Projects Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make on each Project over the ENTIRE LIFE of the project (regardless of the invoice dates). Takes into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. | Screenshot |
Projects that caused Follow Up Service Tickets | Planning and Analysis|Projects | Shows normal service tickets that were opened within 'X' days of the last time entry on a Project ticket. This allows you to look for correlations between Project activities that either were not successfully completed, or that caused problems that required additional follow-up with the client. | Screenshot |
Prospects | Sales Management | Shows opportunities (starting at the date you specify) for companies of the type(s) you specify ('prospect', for example) with opportunities of the type you designate. Shows the 'next activity date' for each opportunity (and highlights in red if missing or the date is past due), as well as the number of 'touches' the rep has made on this opportunity. (You define what constitutes a 'touch' based on Activity Type. For example: 'phone call', 'meeting' and 'appointment' are good examples). | Screenshot |
Purchase Orders (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Purchase Orders or Sales Orders | Shows purchase orders you have placed with your vendors for 3rd party products you are ordering on behalf of your clients. | Screenshot |
Purchase Orders Line Items Received | Exports | ||
Quota Performance | Sales Management | Shows quota goal and quota achievement by sales rep for both revenue and gross margin. Also shows 'actual' product revenue and gross margin for products attached to the opportunity. Drill-down to quota details as well as forecast specifics. | Screenshot |
Recurring EHR | Key Metrics|Effective Hourly Rates (EHR) | Shows how much you make for each hour that your engineers work (i.e. Effective Hourly Rate or EHR) on recurring contracts (Fully Managed, Monthly Block, and Monthly Agreement Sales that do not include time), taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. This report stack ranks clients from most profitable per hour to least profitable per hour. | Screenshot |
Recurring Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make on recurring contracts (Fully Managed, Monthly Block, and Monthly Agreement Sales that do not include time), taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. This report stack ranks clients from most profitable to least profitable. | Screenshot |
Report Finder | Report Finder | A list of all the reports, dashboards and smartphone reports in the Executive Briefing Service searchable by keyword, menu, or report name or description containing key phrases you specify. | Screenshot |
Required Ticket Entries by Board (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Quick listing of tickets (open at least part of the designated timeframe) to verify that ALL the required fields have been entered, including fields like 'date required', 'hours budget' and 'PO number'. | Screenshot |
Revenue by Agreement Type Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Revenues | Are you SELLING enough of each Agreement Type? Before you can look at profitability, you first need to look at Sales Revenue. So how are you doing for each type of agreement that you sell? | Screenshot |
Revenue by Client Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Revenues | Shows Sales Revenue from each client for each month/quarter/year in the time period you select.Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows details for each invoice in the drill-down process. | Screenshot |
Revenue by Client Tenure Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Revenues | As you retain clients for multiple years, do they buy MORE from you over time? Does your sales team 'land and expand' by cross-selling additional products and services to existing accounts as your business relationship with each client matures over time? | Screenshot |
Revenue by Client Year Started 3 Years | State of the Business|Revenues | Think about the clients that started doing business with you each year in the past. How much did you sell to those clients over the last 3 years? (or any timeframe you select) If your revenue was strong, was it profitable? | Screenshot |
Revenue by Company Type Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Revenues | You categorize companies by 'Company Type' so you can compare the results for different types of clients. Looking back, how are you doing with each class of customer based on sales revenue? Is it growing over time for given categories? | Screenshot |
Revenue by Line of Business Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Revenues | How much are you selling in each Line of Business? (Lines of Business include: Fully Managed, Recurring Block Time, Monthly 3rd Party Agreements, One-Time Block, Hourly Projects, Fixed-Fee Projects, Hourly Time-and-Materials, Fixed-Fee Tickets, and Product sales.) What are the long-term trends in each Line of Business? Are you converting non-recurring clients to Fully Managed contracts? | Screenshot |
Revenue by Location Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Revenues | New Location for your MSP Practice? Is the new location driving new revenue? What's the long-term trend for the new location compared to your other locations? | Screenshot |
Revenue by Manufacturer Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Revenues | How much of each Manufacturer that you represent have you sold? What are the long-term trends? | Screenshot |
Revenue by Market Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Revenues | How much are you selling into each Vertical Market? What Market segments are growing? Which Markets are shrinking? | Screenshot |
Revenue by Product vs Service Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Revenues | So you think that your business is mostly 'Service', and that the percent of business that is Service is growing every year. Hmmm, is that true? This report shows you the long-term trends over any timeframe you select, broken down by month/quarter/year. | Screenshot |
Revenue by Recurring vs One-Time Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Revenues | Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), the Holy Grail of every MSP Practice. So how much of your sales revenue is recurring? What is the trend by month/quarter/year over any timeframe you select? | Screenshot |
Revenue by Rep Last 3 Years | State of the Business|Revenues | Hired a new sales rep? Of course, you want them to sell 'profitable' deals, but to start you may just want them to SELL SOMETHING! So how are they doing in generating Sales Revenue for deals that they have sold? What is their long-term trend by month/quarter/year? | Screenshot |
Revenue Forecast based on Hours | Planning and Analysis|Forecasts | Looks at historical performance to forecast results for the current month for time-and-materials, projects and agreements. Average financial results (revenue or contribution margin) per hour is calculated for each category from prior months. Next we calculate the number of hours expected for the FORECAST month based on the number of hours already reported during the month time the percentage of the month remaining. We take the historical average financial results per hour times the expected hours in the forecast month for each category, and then total that up to arrive at the total forecasted financial results. (NOTE: Fully Managed agreements do not generate additional financial results even when you work additional hours, so the financial results for Agreements is based on the amount already received this month). | Screenshot |
Sales Dashboard report | Sales Management | Traditional report (not a true 'dashboard', despite its name) showing opportunities for each rep for each month, broken down by type of expected revenue and contribution margin (revenue less 3rd party costs) for each. Drill-down is available to the opportunity-level detail. | Screenshot |
Sales Meeting | Sales Management | Shows opportunities and sales metrics for each sales rep for the selected timeframe. Drill-downs to month, pipeline stage and opportunity details are available as well as a 'show details' view. Includes not only revenue forecast but also 'age' of the deal, time in the current pipeline stage for each deal, number of past and future activities for each deal. Open opportunities that have NO planned future activities are flagged, since there should ALWAYS be a 'planned next step' for an open opportunity. | Screenshot |
Sales Orders | Planning and Analysis|Purchase Orders or Sales Orders | Shows sales orders you have recevied from your clients during the specified timeframe. Includes drill-down to line-item detail. | Screenshot |
Sales Results and Activity Tracker | Sales Management | Shows quota performance on the left side of the report, and 'sales activity' on the right. In the case where sales 'results' are not as high as expected, sales 'activities' (which should lead to FUTURE sales) can be easily reviewed to make sure that the correct sales processes are being follwed. Drill-downs are available to the opportunity and forecast detail, as well as the activity detail. | Screenshot |
Sales Results by Rep by Month | Sales Management | Shows at both a 'total' level as well as 'rep by rep' where sales landed on your income statement or balance sheet. | Screenshot |
Sales Team Tracker | Sales Management | Graphically depicts sales team performance ('solid lines') versus quota ('dotted lines'), both at the 'team level' as well as individual rep level. Also shows 'deals closed by date' in a table with drill-downs to each entry. | Screenshot |
Scheduled Reports | Favorites and Scheduled Reports | Listing of all reports scheduled to run on a recurring basis, including the bookmark (or Favorite) used to determine the report filters, who it is e-mailed to, and controls to execute the job immediately (green arrow), edit the scheduled job (pencil over notepad icon) or delete the scheduled job (white 'x' on red button). | Screenshot |
Scheduled Time Meetings and Hours by Board | Planning and Analysis|Scheduling | Shows the number of hours, number of meetings, and estimated revenue (based on company hourly-rate) for This Week, Next Week, Next 30 Days and other timeframes, Then displays the same data broken down by service board as well as projects. Finally, displays number of hours scheduled per day for the next 30 days in a calendar format. Drill-downs are available at every level to the schedule details. | Screenshot |
SLA by Priority | Planning and Analysis|SLAs | Shows summary of SLA performance for each ticket priority over the selected timeframe, followed by detail listing. Allows filter on service board, priority, ticket status, parent-child tickets, as well as allowing you to select dispay of responded-resplan-resolved. | Screenshot |
SLA Summary (Customer Facing) | Planning and Analysis|SLAs | Designed as a single-page summary suitable to share with your client which shows your SLA performance over the timeframe you select. Allows you to upload your own logo which is displayed in the upper-left of the report. | Screenshot |
State of the Business Briefing Packet | Briefing Packets | Screenshot | |
Survey Results | Planning and Analysis|Surveys | Summary of survey results for the surveys and timeframe you select. Allows drill-down into details even to the individual 'question' level of the survey. | Screenshot |
Technician Financial Results and ROI | Planning and Analysis|Revenue | Shows revenue generated by the work that each engineer performed over the designated time period. Hourly work is credited at the hourly rate charged to the client. Fixed Fee work (Fully Managed and fixed fee projects and tickets) calculate the 'hourly rate' to be used based on the total fee the client paid divided by the TOTAL hours worked by ALL engineers on that item. That 'calculated hourly rate' is then multiplied by the hours that THIS engineer worked to determine the 'revenue credit'. Credit for all areas are then totalled for each engineer and compared to a 'revenue goal' based on the W-2 cost for each engineer (default is '3x'). Additional columns are available if you want to credit engineers for the profit on products that they attached to tickets. Also 'W-2 Multiple' is also available to be displayed on this report. | Screenshot |
Ticket Aging | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Graphically shows the number of tickets that are still open on each service board graphed based on the date that they were entered. | Screenshot |
Ticket Invoices Filtered on User Defined Field | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows ticket invoices filtered on user-defined fields you have set up in ConnectWise. | Screenshot |
Ticket Life | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows the average number of days that tickets are open by service board and service type. | Screenshot |
Ticket Profitability | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows profit for each ticket, taking into account the cost of labor and any ticket-related expenses. | Screenshot |
Ticket Status by Board | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows number of tickets in each status for each service board for tickets that were open at least part of the selected time period. | Screenshot |
Ticket Traffic | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows the flow of tickets during the selected timeframe. Includes groupings by engineer, service board and Team. | Screenshot |
Ticket Traffic by Day Week Month Quarter | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows the flow of tickets during the selected timeframe. Includes groupings by engineer, service board and Team. | Screenshot |
Tickets | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows Tickets still open in the requested timeframe, with drill-down to agreement details and time entries for that ticket. | Screenshot |
Tickets (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows details for tickets open at least part of the selected timeframe and meeting the filter criteria. As an 'Analysis Grid' report, extremely flexible formatting and filtering capabilities are available to customize the report to exactly meet your needs. | Screenshot |
Tickets Actual vs Forecast (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Compares the 'forecasted' results for a ticket (based on a related Sales Opportunity) to the 'actual' results for each ticket. | Screenshot |
Tickets and Time by Client by Week Month Qtr Year | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows number of hours spent on tickets for each client each month. Color-coding highlight significant changes month-to-month. Timeframe can be month, week, quarter or year. Metric displayed can be 'number of new tickets', 'hours spent on new tickets', 'total number of tickets open at any point during the time period', and 'hours spent working all tickets open during any part of the time period'. | Screenshot |
Tickets and Time by Company | Planning and Analysis|Clients | Summary of the number of tickets, time entries and total hours spent for each client on multiple line-of-business (fully managed, time-and-material, agreements) for the selected time period. | Screenshot |
Tickets Assigned but No Date Scheduled | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Tickets that have been assigned to an engineer but there is no actual 'date scheduled' for this engineer on this ticket. | Screenshot |
Tickets By Board | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Number of tickets on each service board at the time the report is run, including the number of new tickets that day, number of tickets untouched or re-opened, and 'net gain or loss' in number of tickets on that board today. | Screenshot |
Tickets By Company | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Number of tickets for each company at the time the report is run, including the number of new tickets that day, number of tickets untouched or re-opened, and 'net gain or loss' in number of tickets for that company today. | Screenshot |
Tickets by Company over Time | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | A series of graphs showing the number of tickets opened, closed, 'net' for each month in the timeframe you select. Allows you to show the 'top X' companies on the graphs as well as a 'total' graph for all tickets open during the period. | Screenshot |
Tickets by Date Required | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows tickets that have 'due dates' in the period that you select. Optionally include/exclude closed tickets. | Screenshot |
Tickets By Engineer | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Number of tickets for each engineer at the time the report is run, including the number of new tickets that day, number of tickets untouched or re-opened, and 'net gain or loss' in number of tickets for that engineer today. | Screenshot |
Tickets By Source | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Number of tickets at the time the report is run categorized by source of that ticket, including the number of new tickets that day, number of tickets untouched or re-opened, and 'net gain or loss' in number of tickets today. | Screenshot |
Tickets Ever in Selected Status | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Need to find out if a Ticket has EVER been in a certain status? Maybe one that shows that there was a serious problem with the ticket? This report allows you to find that, as well as drill-down to the audit trail for ALL the changes made to that ticket. | Screenshot |
Tickets New Open Closed by Week Month Quarter | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Shows number of tickets created, still open or closed by week/month/quarter. Also breaks the data into lines of business (Fully Managed, Projects, Hourly), as well as selected 'Priorities' and Internal tickets. Provides drill-down from the summary level to the individual ticket-level detail. | Screenshot |
Tickets with Past Due Schedule Entries | Planning and Analysis|Tickets | Listing of tickets that have 'schedule entries' that are past due. | Screenshot |
Time and Materials Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make on 'time-and-material' tickets and projects. Takes into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. This report stack ranks clients from most profitable to least profitable. | Screenshot |
Time by Engineer by Company | Planning and Analysis|Time | Listing of the number of hours each engineer has spent with each company over the timeframe you select. | Screenshot |
Time Delay on Invoicing Tickets | Planning and Analysis|Invoices and Billing | Shows how long it takes from the 'last time entry' on a ticket until you actually invoice the customer for that time. Also shows when that invoice was paid. Helpful in analyzing and speeding up cash flow. | Screenshot |
Time Delay on Invoicing Time Entries | Planning and Analysis|Invoices and Billing | Shows how long it takes you to invoice the customer for time entries. Appopriate if you invoice clients even if a ticket is still open. Helpful in analyzing and speeding up cash flow. | Screenshot |
Time Entries by Company Agreement Project Ticket Engineer | Planning and Analysis|Time | Shows Time Entries in the date range that you select, and allows summarization by Company, Agreement, Engineer, Project, Ticket, Work Role, Work Type, Work Role/Type, Charge Code or showing all details. | Screenshot |
Time Entry | Planning and Analysis|Time | Shows Time Entry details with filters for board, engineers, work role, work type and charge codes. Allows drill-down to show ticket details. | Screenshot |
Time Entry (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Time | Listing of time entries for the date range you specify. As an Analysis Grid (AG) report, provides extremely flexible filtering and display options. | Screenshot |
Time Entry by Work Role and Type | Planning and Analysis|Time | Listing of hours spent on each work role and work type combination for the timeframe you select. | Screenshot |
Time Entry Detail by Work Role and Type | Planning and Analysis|Time | Listing of hours spent on each work role and work type combination for the timeframe you select. | Screenshot |
Time Entry Sieve (AG) | Planning and Analysis|Time | Designed to 'catch' errors on time entries BEFORE you do your periodic time review process. Allows you to define criteria to identify 'bad' time entries (i.e. 'missing work role' as shown in this example). This report can be scheduled to be e-mailed to your engineering team each week so the time entries can be fixed BEFORE time is submitted and subsequently reviewed at the end of each time entry cycle. | Screenshot |
Time Required to Review Invoices (AG) | Finance Management | Shows how long it takes your organization to 'close' (i.e. approve it to be sent to the client) an invoice after the invoice is initially created. Filters allow you to narrow your search based on the dollar-amount of the invoice, date of the invoice, and the number of days required to close the invoice. | Screenshot |
Time Required to Review Invoices CHARTS | Finance Management | Shows how long it takes your organization to 'close' (i.e. approve it to be sent to the client) an invoice after the invoice is initially created. Charts then graphically depict this by: number of invoices vs. days to close, total dollar amount vs. days to close, and average dollar amount of the invoice vs. days to close. | Screenshot |
TimeSheets | Planning and Analysis|Time | Shows if timesheets were submitted 'on time' as well as if they were approved 'on time'. Top portion shows a summary by engineer by time period of success in submitting timesheets on time. Second report section shows timesheet-by-timesheet detail on when timesheets were submitted and approved. Report allows you to define a number of hours as an 'offset' for the submittal and approval deadlines. So for example, if your ConnectWise configuration is set up to say timesheets must be submitted by midnight on Sunday night (and you can only change that deadline once a year in ConnectWise), you can define the 'submittal' offset to 9 hours, so timesheets are due by 9am Monday morning. Also allows you to define the number of hours after submission that the timesheets must be reviewed. | Screenshot |
Total Billable Hour by Month | Planning and Analysis|Billable Hours | Chart showing billable and non-billable hours by month over the timeframe you select. | Screenshot |
Total EHR | Key Metrics|Effective Hourly Rates (EHR) | Shows how much you make for each hour that your engineers work (i.e. Effective Hourly Rate or EHR), taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. This report stack ranks clients from most profitable per hour to least profitable per hour. Report is filtered for clients where you did more than 10 hours of work. (You can change the filter by clicking on the 'filter' icon in the upper right of the screen.) This total includes ALL lines of business, including product sales. | Screenshot |
Total Profitability | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you make per client, taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. This report stack ranks clients from most profitable to least profitable. This total includes ALL lines of business, including product sales. | Screenshot |
Total Profitability by Month | Key Metrics|Profitability | Shows how much you made each month for each client, taking into account not only 3rd party costs but also the cost of labor by your engineers. Report includes results for ALL clients. This total includes ALL lines of business, including product sales. | Screenshot |
Total Profitability Last 3 Years | State of the Business | Shows profit (Net of W2) from each client for each month/quarter/year in the time period you select. This takes into account not only the cost of 3rd party products you sold to each client, but also the cost of labor by your internal staff to service each client. Allows drill-down to the invoice line-item and time entry level. Even shows profitability for each invoice in the drill-down process down to the invoice line-item detail level. | Screenshot |
Total ROI Pct of Revenue | Key Metrics|Return on Investment (ROI) | Shows the return you are getting from each client (i.e. profit) as a percentage of the overall revenue (i.e. what you charge that client). This report stack ranks clients from most profitable to least profitable on a percentage basis. This total includes ALL lines of business, including product sales. | Screenshot |
Transactions sent to your Financials | Planning and Analysis|Accounting | Shows transactions generated by ConnectWise for the timefram you select that were sent to your financial system. As an Analysis Grid (AG) report, extremely flexible filtering, column ordering and column selection capabilities are available by clicking the 'Filter' button or the 'gear' icon. | Screenshot |
Transactions sent to your Financials by Fin Account | Planning and Analysis|Accounting | Shows transactions generated by ConnectWise for the timefram you select that were sent to your financial system in order by 'where they landed' (i.e. the financial account) on your income statement or balance sheet. As an Analysis Grid (AG) report, extremely flexible filtering, column ordering and column selection capabilities are available by clicking the 'Filter' button or the 'gear' icon. | Screenshot |
Transactions sent to your Financials by Invoice | Planning and Analysis|Accounting | Shows transactions generated by ConnectWise for the timefram you select that were sent to your financial system in order by invoice. As an Analysis Grid (AG) report, extremely flexible filtering, column ordering and column selection capabilities are available by clicking the 'Filter' button or the 'gear' icon. | Screenshot |
Use Tax Products Invoiced in TimeFrame | Planning and Analysis|Taxes | Shows a list of all products invoiced in the selected timeframe to aid in calculating 'Use Tax'. Additional filters are provided to further refine and group the gathered information. | Screenshot |
Use Tax Products Invoiced or on Service Tickets Invoiced in TimeFrame | Planning and Analysis|Taxes | This report is an aid to the process of calculating 'Use Tax'. Shows a list of all products invoiced in the selected timeframe, or products attached to Service Tickets that were invoiced during the selected timeframe. Additional filters are provided to further refine and group the gathered information. | Screenshot |
Utilization Weekly | Planning and Analysis|Time | Summary of external and total utilization for all engineers by week, followed by an engineer-by-engineer breakdown of their performance by week. | Screenshot |
Version | Data Check | Shows the number of records in each ConnectWise table, as well as the total storage size consumed by that table. | Screenshot |
Waterline (Covering Monthly Fixed Costs) | Briefing Book | Shows historical results on a monthly basis by Line of Business (Fully Managed, Block, time-and-materials, projects, etc.) and how each contributed to covering the fixed costs in your business (rent, utilities, salaries including engineer salaries, etc.) When Contribution Margin (Revenue - 3rd party costs) exceeds your monthly 'fixed costs', you realize a profit that month. When Contribution Margin does NOT exceed fixed costs, you incur a loss. | Screenshot |
Weekly Performance | Planning and Analysis|Performance | Summary of how each engineer performed during each timesheet period, including attending staff meetings, billable hours, submitting timesheet on time and more. | Screenshot |
Where Engineers Spent Their Time | Planning and Analysis|Billable Hours | Shows a breakdown in hours and percentage of time where engineers spent their time over the selected timeframe. | Screenshot |
Where Invoices Landed in your Financials | Planning and Analysis|Accounting | Listing of invoices in the selected timeframe showing the dollars that landed in each of your financial accounts from that invoice 'across the page'. | Screenshot |
White Space PRODUCTS | Sales Management | Shows opportunities to 'cross-sell' additional products and services to clients based on who is NOT buying that product or service from you currently. | Screenshot |
White Space SUBCATEGORIES | Sales Management | Shows opportunities to 'cross-sell' additional products and services to clients based on who is NOT buying that product or service from you currently. Report summarized by category/subcategory level detail. | Screenshot |
WIP to be Billed | Planning and Analysis|Invoices and Billing | Shows service work-in-progress (WIP) that WILL be billed at a future time. Allows drill-down to time-entry details. | Screenshot |
Work Roles | Planning and Analysis|Time | Shows details of Work Roles that you have defined. | Screenshot |
Work Types | Planning and Analysis|Time | Shows details of Work Types that you have defined. | Screenshot |